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Home - Schools & Units - ADFSD - 92R Parachute Rigger (NS)

92R Parachute Rigger (NS)

Course Scope

To train enlisted personnel in the skills and knowledge to inspect, pack, rig, recover, store and maintain aerial delivery equipment.

MOS-T Reporting Procedures

MOS-T students will report to HHC, 23rd QM Brigade, Fort Gregg-Adams as indicated on their Travel Order reporting instructions. After in-processing, they will report to building 6025, Aerial Delivery and Field Services Department, located at 710 Adams Avenue at 0830 on the start date of class for class enrollment/in-processing. The uniform for training will be their authorized duty uniform and the respective Service Uniform for graduation.

Parachute Rigger Phase 1
(5 Weeks, 0 Days)(FY25 4-wks,4-days)

Phase 1 Scope

This phase provides instruction to Inter-service enlisted personnel in cargo parachute packing, rigging supplies and equipment for airdrop, to include The 2K Joint Precision Airdrop System (JPADS). Students become proficient in the use of the various technical manuals for rigging airdrop loads. This phase provides joint training for Army (MOS 92R), Air Force (AFSC 2T2/1P0/1A2/1A9X1), Navy (MOS 773A), and Marine Corps (MOS 0451) personnel.

Phase 1 Prerequisites

  • Must meet course prerequisites.
  • Soldiers reclassing to 92R must be E4 and below, prior to reporting.

Required during Phase 4

  • Marine Corps personnel will attend course 860-0451(OS)

USAF Personnel attending the Consolidated 92R10 Parachute Rigger Course (Phase 1).

NOTE: Training previously provided to USAF personnel under the title(s) Airdrop Specialist Course or Airdrop Specialist Phase have been discontinued. Per AR 351-9 (AFI 36-2230 (l)) Inter-Service Training, Air Force Personnel (AFSC 2T2/1P0/1A2/1A9X1) may attend Phase 1, 92R10 Parachute Rigger Course (PRC), Course Number 860-92R10 in ATRRS. Phase 1 of the 92R10 Parachute Rigger Course currently consists of 25 training days; but will be reduced to 24 training days effective FY25.

Course Managers for additional information:

    USAF Course POC | 345 TRS

  • COMM (804) 765-1817
  • DSN 539-1817


Effective immediately, all phase one classes will start on Tuesday. USAF students will report to Fort Gregg-Adams on the day prior (Monday) to phase start date to arrange for lodging. In-processing will take place at 0830 the following day (Tuesday) in room 104, building 6025, 710 Adams Avenue Fort Gregg-Adams, VA 23801.

All students will report to building 6025, Aerial Delivery and Field Services Department, located at 710 Adams Avenue on the scheduled start date of class. Air Force military personnel will wear the OCPs or ABUs during training. DoD civilians will wear appropriate attire such as jeans and polo shirts during training and business casual for graduation. Flight suits are NOT authorized.

For more information:

    ADFSD Aerial Delivery Division

  • Comm (804)-734-4724/4737
  • DSN 687-4724/4737

Parachute Rigger Phase 2
(3 Weeks, 2 Days)

Phase 2 Scope

This phase is designed to equip Inter-service enlisted personnel with the working knowledge of inspection, repair and packing procedures relative to personnel parachutes and other aerial delivery equipment. The student receives concentrated instruction on the personnel parachute packing and operation of an industrial type sewing machine used in the repair of various aerial delivery equipment. The student may jump the parachute he/she packed during the examination. This phase provides joint training for Army (MOS 92R), Air Force (AFSC 1P0), Navy (MOS 773A) and Marine Corps (MOS 0451) personnel.

Phase 2 Prerequisites

Must complete Phase 1 prior to attending Phase 2.

  • After phase 2 completion, Marine Corps personnel will begin Service unique
    course 860-0451(OS)

Parachute Rigger Phase 3
(3 Weeks, 1 Day)

Phase 3 Scope

This phase is designed to equip Inter-service enlisted personnel with the working knowledge of inspection, in-servicing and packing procedures relative to current Ram Air Parachute systems and the Parachute Oxygen Mask (POM). The student receives concentrated instruction on the RA-1 in PRO and Flat-packing configurations. Only familiarization training is provided on the POM. This phase provides joint training for Army (MOS 92R), Air Force (AFSC 1P0), and Navy (MOS 773A) personnel.

NOTE: Effective FY22 RA-1 packing instruction will include Bottom of Container (BOC) packing instruction.

Phase 3 Prerequisites

Army must complete Phase 2 prior to attending Phase 3.

  • After phase 3 completion, Navy personnel will begin Service unique
    course 860-0011(OS)

Parachute Rigger Phase 4
(5-days) (FY25 1-wk, 1-Day)


To train enlisted personnel in the skills and knowledge to become Parachute Riggers.

Phase 4 Scope

This phase is designed to equip Army enlisted personnel with the working knowledge of inspection, and packing procedures relative to the T-11M personnel parachute. The student receives concentrated instruction on the T-11M personnel parachute packing. This phase may also be used to provide students refresher training on warrior tasks and battle drills that will be executed if attending a field training exercise.

Phase 4 Prerequisites

Army must complete Phase 3 prior to attending Phase 4.

Required during Phase 4

  • Marine Corps personnel will attend course 860-0451(OS)

Course Dates Phase 1, 2, 3, & 4

92R Course Dates
This page was last updated on: March 6, 2025