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92A Training


To train and develop technically and tactically competent Quartermaster Soldiers in the 92A MOS who can perform automated logistics functions at unit maintenance & supply support activities.

Automated Logistical Specialist (92A)
Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Course.

The 92A Automated Logistical Specialist is schooled in the Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army), ration break point operations, stock record management, Plant Maintenance, and the principles of warehouse functions which include applied techniques, Stock control, Issue, Receipt, Packaging and Storage procedures all which make a versatile logisticians. At the support level, graduates could be assigned to a Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) in stock control operations, warehousing operations, reparable exchange operations. The 92A division is also the proponent for the ASI course; Unit Level Logistics System-Aviation (Enhanced) ULLS-A-(E).

Course Description

(92A Critical Task List 92A10/20, Dated August 2013; STP 10-92A12-SM-TG, Dated May 2008)

Basic Supply Principles (16.5 hours)

Introduces students to the use of the sustainment knowledge network (SKN); tracking their careers to maximize their potential, how to use military publications; how to file military correspondence and files; and how to prepare and maintain delegation of authority documents.

Plant Maintenance (108.0 hours)

Students learn how to use the Global Combat Support System - Army (GCSS - Army) and review and practice the various processes and procedures associated with the system. Students learn supply and maintenance procedures from the perspective of a modular environment and how GCSS-Army enhances logistics support.

Warehouse Operations (163.5 hours)

Introduces the process and procedures for receiving, issuing, storing, and managing material at the Supply Support Activity using the Global Combat Support System - Army (GCSS - Army); students learn the system through simulations. Students also learn how to perform care of supplies in storage (COSIS), the proper management of hazardous material, care and preservation of supplies, how to use the various communications enablers that support the use of logistics systems; finally students get an overview on materiel handling equipment (MHE) and observe operations through a simulator.

Subsistence (26.0 hours)

Introduces the student to the Army Field Feeding System (AFFS) and the ration break point concept of operations. Students are also introduced to the Multi-Temperature Refrigerated Container System (MTRCS), and the procedures for loading and unloading the container.

Course Length

9 weeks, 2 days

Administrative Requirements

In accordance with CTA 50-900 (male students, page 3; female students, page 5) if you are a 92A10, 20, 30, or 40 and are scheduled to attend the 92A course for MOS reclassification training, you must bring your initial clothing allowance with you to this course. Do not bring your TA 50 equipment. This also applies to those who are in a TDY and return or PCS enroute status.

When the service member (other than AIT)
reports to Fort Gregg-Adams:

  • Bring initial issue, 10 copies of orders/SGLV/DD93
  • POV would be advantageous (Only TDY Personnel)
  • Week days and Weekends: report to HHC 23rd QM BDE BLDG 9303, phone number COML (804) 765-3552 / DSN 539-3552
  • Upon arrival, your orders will be stamped by the staff duty for lodging and then you can obtain a room with these stamped orders; lodging phone number (804) 733-4100.
  • Normal duty day is as follows:
    0900 - 1730 92A10 Technical Training

Course Prerequisites

  • Physical demands rating of very heavy
  • Physical profile of 222222 or better (no temporary profiles)
  • Minimum score of 95 in aptitude area CL
  • Normal color vision


Graduation ceremonies are normally conducted at 10:30 a.m. on the last day of the course, in Bldg 4210, Challen Hall, inside Mullins Auditorium, located off of B Avenue between 16th and 19th Streets. All visitors to Fort Gregg-Adams must enter through the Lee Avenue gate on Route 36 (Oaklawn Blvd) to obtain access to the post. Once you have been cleared to enter the post, proceed to the traffic light and make a left onto A Avenue. Bldg 4210 is approximately 1/8 of a mile on the right hand side at the corner of 16th Street and A Avenue. Turn right onto 16th Street and then turn right onto B Avenue. You will see an entrance to a large parking lot on the right. Bldg 4210 is the building facing the parking lot as you enter. There are new gate closures, openings, and new hours. Make sure you pay attention when driving.

Fort Gregg-Adams

Points of Contact

    Chief, 92A Division

  • COMM: (804) 734-3477
  • DSN: 687-3477
  • 92A Division NCOIC

  • COMM: (804) 734-4074
  • DSN: 687-4074
  • 92A Operations NCOIC

  • COMM: (804) 734-4231
  • DSN: 687-4231
  • Plant Maintenance Branch Chief

  • COMM: (804) 734-3308
  • DSN: 687-3308
  • Warehouse Operation Branch NCOIC

  • COMM: (804) 765-7555
  • DSN: 687-7555
  • Email

This page was last updated on: March 4, 2025