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Laboratory Training Division (LTD)
The Petroleum Laboratory Training Division's mission (LTD) is to provide initial (technical and tactical) training to Advance Individual Training (AIT) Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Navy, DOD Civilians, and Foreign Service personnel to meet worldwide petroleum requirements in the Petroleum Quality Surveillance arena. Quality Surveillance can best be described as a subset of Quality Assurance (QA) encompassing programs of inspections, sampling, testing, quantity measurement, control and documentation established to monitor the quality/quantity of fuels being received, stored and issued within the Government supply chain. Off-specification fuels can ruin expensive equipment, disrupt critical combat missions, and most importantly cost the lives of our most precious commodity, service men and women. Fuel is the "blood of the military", especially the U. S. Army, and is critical to the life of the theater of operation. The Seaman Petroleum Laboratory incorporates the best possible design for a functional and educational training facility. Facilities consist of two (2) fixed base laboratories with 24 work stations each, a C lab simulating PQAS-E apparatuses setup, and a separate area to store hazardous chemicals/fuels along with two (2) Petroleum Quality Analysis Enhance (PQAS-E) systems. The Petroleum Quality Analysis System-Enhanced (PQAS-E) is the latest state of the art tactical training system. The PQAS-E is a complete automated petroleum laboratory capable of performing test procedures associated with the Army's quality surveillance mission on kerosene-based and military mobility fuels. PQAS-E is self-contained on its own trailer, allow the prime mover to perform in a multi-functional mission capacity as a distribution combat multiplier. The PQAS-E consists of a 20-foot international standard organizational (ISO) shelter. The ISO shelter is mounted on a 7.5 ton trailer.
DTEs are available at the Army Sustainment Resource Portal. You will be able to download WEBGL, APK, and IOS for Android and Apple products, as well as PC or MAC. This is ideal for student who want to gain knowledge prior to attending their scheduled course. (ASRP QR flyer)
The Petroleum Industry in the United States took off on August 26, 1859 in Titusville, Pennsylvania. It progressed from there and grew in military importance during World War I and World War II. With the advent of the U.S. Army Air Corps, Armor and Mechanized units, petroleum quality control became a necessity to keep the military equipment in operating condition, through less required maintenance. Army petroleum quality surveillance training grew and improved during World War II, and the Korean Conflict. On 10 August 1970, the Seaman Petroleum Laboratory was dedicated to Brigadier General A. Owen Seaman. For most of his career in the Army, he was a transportation officer and was the founding officer of the Transportation Corps. He was instrumental in the modernizing and standardizing of Army equipment and vehicles. It is this dedication to progress for his selection in the dedication of this training facility. The distinguished guest for this dedication was his son, LTG Jonathan O. Seaman.
Points of Contact
- COMM: (804) 734-2626
- DSN: 687-2626
- COMM: (804) 734-2502
- DSN: 687-2502
- usarmy.gregg-adams.tradoc.list.leee-pwdweb-org-mgr@army.mil
OIC, Laboratory Training Division
NCOIC, Laboratory Training Division
Email, Laboratory Training Division
This page was last updated on: January 23, 2025