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Reserve Component Affairs Office (RCAO)

The Reserve Component Affairs Office (RCAO) supports Reserve Component (RC) Soldiers in support of the Quartermaster School mission.


The Quartermaster (QM) Reserve Component Affairs Office (RCAO) supports the Quartermaster School (QMS) and Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) Staff to execute and support the Army Quartermaster Corps and Joint Sustainment community on behalf of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve. The QM RCAO provides operational support to Compo 2/3 equities and institutions to influence modernization and readiness priorities through Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) analysis. The QM RCAO influences U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) training development, Total Army School System accreditation, and advises the QMS Commandant on personnel, equipment, and training capabilities within Reserve Components.

Organizational Chart

RCAO Organizational Chart

RCAO Support

RCAO Warrant Officer Proponent Office

The RCAO Warrant Officer Proponent Office proudly serves as the key advisor to the Quartermaster Commandant for the technical training and development of warrant officers within the Army Reserve and National Guard. In this role, the WO proponent also oversees professional military training, leader development, broadening programs, and accessions policy for all Quartermaster warrant officers.

Additionally, the WO proponent maintains the Standards of Grade Criteria and the Quartermaster Warrant Officer Accession Program, dedicated to recruiting highly qualified Non-Commissioned Officers for future roles as Quartermaster Warrant Officers. As the authoritative body, the Warrant Officer Proponent Office is responsible for determining the technical feeder MOS qualifications for 920A, 920B, 921A, 922A, and 923A. Our team of ARNG and USAR proponent advisors rigorously evaluates and certifies the technical qualifications of all quartermaster warrant officer applicants ensuring that only the most capable and technically proficient Soldiers are assessed as future quartermaster warrant officers.

Images showing RCAO supporting, training, and providing guidance to USAR and ARNG Soldiers.

Instructor Certification Program

The QMS Reserve Component Affairs Office continues to provide support to the 1st BDE/94th Training Division and the Army National Guard Instructor Certification Program. Soldiers undergo evaluation review boards conducted by 1st BDE, and later certification packets are submitted through the Quartermaster School RCAO for Proponent approval. These efforts have aided the 94th Training Division and the Army National Guard’s overall instructor certification strength over the last year. Instructor certification is just one of the many initiatives the RCAO provides guidance and support to the Army Reserve and National Guard on behalf of the U.S. Army Quartermaster School.

Points of Contact

For inquiries about diploma certificates from Advanced Individual Training (AIT), etc., please contact Human Resources (Soldier Support Center) at COMM: (571) 644-5797

This page was last updated on: February 27, 2025