Home - Schools & Units - Quartermaster Field Training Exercise (QM-FTX)
Quartermaster Field Training Exercise (QM-FTX)

Welcome to the Quartermaster Field Training Exercise (QM-FTX) information site. If you are going to be a participant (e.g. BOLC/ALC/AIT students) or leaders assigned to this field training exercise you will find helpful information to make your participation a success.
In proper execution of mission command, let me clearly and simply state: the QM-FTX validates Warrior training proficiency (WT/BD/MOS) in a realistic training environment that ensures relevant contribution to mission accomplishment upon arrival to their new unit.Brigadier General John “Skip” E. O'Neil 52ND Quartermaster General
The QM-FTX is a 72-96 hour Scenario driven FTX that is conducted in a tactical field environment, under all weather conditions, day and night, replicating the stress, sounds, and conditions of the modern battlefield BOLC and ALC Students will be challenged with the opportunity to perform selected tasks while assigned as platoon leader/platoon sergeant or staff officer/nco in a tactical situation during a multi-echelon field training exercise. The QM-FTX is conducted during the final phase of training, normally within their last four weeks of training. The intent of the QM-FTX exercise is to integrate MOS and Soldier survival skills into a simulated tactical scenario, and give Soldiers and BOLC/ALC students an opportunity to demonstrate their newly learned skills under realistic conditions.
The QM-FTX Resources page is helpful information for those who are going to be a participant (e.g. BOLC/ALC/AIT students) or leaders assigned to this field training exercise. You will find this information helpful to make your participation a success.
Students and Cadre can access approved TRADOC WT&BD associated tasks with QM-FTX at the links below.
- STP 21-1-SMCT — Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks, Warrior Skills, Level 1
- Warrior Tasks are selected common individual Soldier skills deemed critical to a Soldier's basic competency.
- Battle Drills are group or collective skills designed to teach a unit to react and accomplish the mission in common combat situations.
- Army Training Network - Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills
The Army's Warrior Field Training Exercise (FTX) had its start with the Quartermaster Center & School beginning in the autumn of 1989. Training and Doctrine Command's (TRADOC) regulation 350-6 requires all Advanced Individual Training (AIT) stations to conduct a field training exercise as part of their AIT program. At the time of its inception the training exercise focused on improving Quartermaster Soldier's understanding and execution of tactical tasks. The former Logistics Warrior Training exercise (now QM-FTX) is a combined exercise that includes AIT Soldiers from Quartermaster, and Legal. This exercise also incorporates QM Basic Officer Leaders Course (BOLC) and Advanced Leaders Course (ALC) student leadership into the exercise, making this training exercise a true multi-echelon training event that no other installation in TRADOC conducts. The QM-FTX is a Capstone training event that incorporates Warrior Tasks & Battle Drills and 10 hours of department directed Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) Training for AIT Soldiers, and invaluable leadership opportunities for BOLC and ALC students.
This page was last updated on: October 29, 2024