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Warrant Officer Personnel Development

Warrant Officer Ranks


Execute the eight personnel proponent Life Cycle Functions that encompasses professional career development from accession through separation. Serve as the Principle advisor to the Quartermaster General for Warrant Officer Personnel Force Structure, professional development programs and policies. Manage the Quartermaster Warrant Officer Standards of Grade Criteria and the Quartermaster Warrant Officer Accession Program to recruit quality “in-service” Non-Commissioned Officers to serve as future Quartermaster Warrant Officers. Manage the Training with Industry Program (TWI).

The Warrant Officer is a self aware and adaptive technical expert, combat leader, trainer, and advisor. Through progressive levels of expertise in assignments, training, and education, the Warrant Officer administers, manages, maintains, operates, and integrates Army systems and equipment across the full spectrum of Army operations. Warrant Officers are innovative integrators of emerging technologies, dynamic teachers, confident warfighters, and developers of specialized teams of Soldiers. They support a wide range of Army missions throughout their career. WOs in the Army are accessed with specific levels of technical ability. They refine their technical expertise and develop their leadership and management skills through tiered progressive assignment and education.

Quartermaster Warrant Officers are the Army's premiere logistics system expert, leader, trainer, mentor, and advisor. They administer, manage, maintain, operate, and integrate Army logistical systems and equipment across the full range of Army operations. Quartermaster Warrant Officers are confident warrior leaders, mission oriented subject matter experts, innovative integrators of emerging system technologies, and expert technical advisors. As highly specialized logisticians, they support a multitude of Army missions throughout their career.


Manages Quartermaster Warrant Officer programs and policies in coordination with Army Personnel Proponent activities at Headquarters Department of the Army G-1, Army Human Resources Command, Training and Doctrine Command, and all branches of the Army.

Routine Personnel Development functions include:

  • Manage the Quartermaster Warrant Officer Accession Program by recruiting quality Quartermaster Enlisted Soldiers to serve as future Quartermaster Warrant Officers
  • Manage the Warrant Officer Training With Industry Program
  • Review QM Warrant Officer position coding
  • Provide input to DA Regulations and Pamphlet updates
  • Review/manage QM skill identifiers
  • Review/recommend Critical Task Lists
  • Write/revise Professional Development Guidance
  • Update and maintain Warrant Officer “Standards of Grade” criteria


Active Duty Quartermaster Soldiers transitioning to the Reserve Component
should take advantage of the Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC) Program.

Please download the Warrant Officer Career Opportunities form above, fill it out, save, and email it back to Quartermaster Warrant Personnel Development.

Professional Development

For detailed professional development information please refer to DA PAM 600-3.

Contact Us

    Proponent (Compo 1, Active Duty)

  • (804) 734-3533
  • DSN 687-3533
  • FAX DSN 687-3096 / (804) 734-3096
  • Proponent (Compos 2 and 3, ARNG and USAR)

  • (804) 734-4114
  • DSN 687-4114
  • FAX DSN 687-3096 / (804) 734-3096
  • (Active Component) & (Reserve Component)

  • Address: OQMC, Warrant Personnel Development

    USA Quartermaster School
    Office of the Quartermaster Commandant
    Bldg, 5020, 2221 Adams Avenue
    Fort Gregg-Adams, VA 23801
This page was last updated on: February 27, 2025