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Quartermaster Future

The Sustainment Center of Excellence:

In early Spring 2009 the Quartermaster School personnel moved out of Mifflin Hall. The Quartermaster School currently shares the new Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCoE) building, with CASCOM, Ordnance, and Transportation. The SCoE headquarters was dedicated as Mifflin Hall, July 2010.

The Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCoE)


The Army Logistics University:

Unlike Mifflin Hall, the SCoE headquarters contains no classrooms. Classroom spaces moved from the former Mifflin hall to the Army Logistics University (ALU). The new Logistics University opened on July 2nd, 2009. Classes began in August of 2009.

For more information on ALU at Fort Gregg-Adams, please: Click Here

The Army Logistics University




This page was last updated on: July 7, 2021