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Home - Schools & Units - ADFSD - Airdrop Load Inspector Certification

Airdrop Load Inspector Certification

Course Scope

To qualify and provide airdrop load inspector certification for enlisted personnel whose duties require the performance of final joint inspection of airdrop loads to be airdropped from aircraft.

Must be an enlisted member of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or National Guard, with a minimum grade of E-4 or equivalent; under orders or assigned to a unit required to perform airdrop load inspections. Must have a minimum of one year experience in airdrop load rigging related activities. Army or National Guard personnel must be qualified as a parachutist and possess MOS 92R, Parachute Rigger. Air Force or Air National Guard personnel must be qualified as an Aircraft Loadmaster, AFSC 1A2X1; Air Transportation Specialist, AFSC 2T2X1, after completing Phase 1 of the 92R10 Parachute Rigger Course or prior completion of the Airdrop Specialist Phase (ASP); Aircrew Flight Equipment, AFSC 1P0X1, after completing Phase 1 of the 92R10 Parachute Rigger Course or prior completion of the Airdrop Specialist Phase (ASP).

Prerequisite Courses

  • USA/USMC: 860-92R10 Parachute Rigger Course (PRC) Phases 1, 2 and 3.
  • USAF (Except Load Masters): 860-92R10 Parachute Rigger Course Phase I, USAQMS Fabrication of Aerial Delivery Loads Course (FADLC 860-F3) or the Airdrop Specialist Course Phase of the 860-92R10.
  • USN: For ATRRS -Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Parachute Rigging Course, Course 431-F3 (OS) or CANTRAC -Course number K or C-860-0010.

Students attending courses must call the Army Lodging Success Central Reservation Center at 1-866-363-5771 to secure lodging. Each student's command is responsible for funding the cost of lodging and meals.

In and around mileage if approved by order issuing authority is limited to 5 miles per day if housed on post 24 miles per day if housed off post"

Sending organizations will ensure that students have a confirmed "R" reservation training seat in the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) before funding is committed for TDY travel. Those in a "W" reservation status do not have a confirmed training seat and may not commence travel unless the ATRRS "W" converts to an "R". It is imperative that training managers at all levels monitor ATRRS to ensure confirmed reservations are cancelled, if appropriate, to allow those in a wait status to acquire a confirmed training seat reservation.

Reporting Instructions

During severe weather please call the Fort Gregg-Adams Hotline for weather updates or Post closures: 804-765-2679 or DSN 539-2679.

All students should report to Building 6022, on the corner of Shop Rd and 11th Street (Near the Traffic Circle on Shop Road), at 0830 on the scheduled class start date. Departure flights after training completion should not be scheduled for earlier than 1800 on the last day of training.

Any questions on course should be directed to the:

    Aerial Delivery Division Chief

  • COMM: (804) 734-4724
  • DSN: DSN: 687-4724


Students should contact Fort Gregg-Adams Lodging at 1-800-403-8533 to check availability of lodging. Quarters assignments made for TDY personnel are for the entire period of TDY (from the arrival date to the departure date). Checkout is at noon. Additional information:


Government transportation is not available either on or off base. Units/individuals should plan to have a rental vehicle for the week.

Uniform Requirements

Personnel will wear the ACU/Utility Uniform or Flight Suits (if authorized). All personnel will wear the uniform IAW Service Directives.

Course Dates Resident & Mobile

ALIC Course Dates
This page was last updated on: September 5, 2024