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Home - OQMC - Regimental Office

Regimental Office

Welcome to the Corps Office

The office of the Quartermaster Commandant (OQMC) supports the Quartermaster Corps in its mission of providing a framework for the opportunity for affiliation and the development of a sense of loyalty and commitment to the Quartermaster Corps while fostering an extended sense of belonging and improving esprit-ed-corps.

Effective 13 April 2017 and pursuant to AR 870-21 (The US Army Regimental System), The Chief of Staff, US Army, approved changes to the Regimental system that only allow for Regimental affiliation by Combat Arms Branches. All other branches will henceforth have either Corps of Special Branch affiliations, and as such, the Quartermaster Branch is designated as a Corps. Since that date, the OQMC (formally the Quartermaster Regimental Office) has been providing support for all Active, Reserve, and National Guard Quartermasters within the US Army. The official designation is the "Quartermaster Corps", with the Corps Headquarters located at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA.

Points of Contact

This page was last updated on: February 27, 2025