We are very excited to have you join the 266th Quartermaster Battalion Family! On behalf of the unit, spouses and SFRG Leadership, we extend to you our sincerest welcome. We are very proud to call ourselves members of the Provider Team and hope you will be as well.
The Coffee Group provides permanent party spouses the opportunity to informally socialize, support post and community events, and build a stronger team.
Every few months, the provider team hosts a FAMJAM to come together as a family and team to recognize excellence throughout the organization.
Please contact the SFRG leader if you're not receiving e-mails or phone calls with SFRG information. You can also follow the battalion on social media.
We completely understand that we all have many demands on our time and talents; so, please get involved as you deem appropriate. We are always looking for motivated family volunteers! Contact me anytime if I can help or answer any questions.
–SFRG Leader, (804) 765-3047
Army Community Service
Visit the Army Community Services (ACS) for more information on the various services provided by Fort Gregg-Adams and the U. S. Army for Family members.