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Commercial Certification
Civilian Hospitality Industry Certifications
To educate personnel about civilian certification opportunities for the Food Service Specialist and Food Service Technician MOS 92G / 922A.
Service members from all U.S. military branches are eligible for professional food service certification from several civilian organizations. Qualification prerequisites include mandatory courses in nutrition, sanitation, and supervision; work experience; and passing certification examinations. Both hands on and written examinations are required from the American Culinary Federation.
A soldier who is informed about certification possibilities as an AIT graduate can program his destiny to become certified as a Certified Culinarian by the time he makes the rank of Specialist. He must complete the prerequisites in sanitation, nutrition, and supervisory management and he must receive solid food service training within the unit. He must combine this training with intensive hands-on practice sessions available through the American Culinary Federation sanctioned cooking competitions and study of recommended text books on cookery art and science in order to prepare for the examination.
American Culinary Federation (ACF)
- CMC Certified Master Chef
- AAC American Academy of Chefs
- CEC Certified Executive Chef
- CCE Certified Culinary Educator
- CPEC Certified Personal Executive Chef
- CCC Certified Chef De Cuisine
- CSC Certified Sous Chef
- CWPC Certified Working Pastry Chef
- CPC Certified Pastry Culinarian
- PCC Personal Certified Chef
- CC Certified Culinarian
Point of Contact
- COMM: (804) 734-3274
Culinary Skills Training Branch
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This page was last updated on: October 28, 2024