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Quartermaster Honors Program
The US Army Quartermaster Corps Honors Program Standard Operating Procedures outlines the roles and procedures for the conduct and execution Corps Honors Program. The US Army Quartermaster Corps Honors Program was created to recognize outstanding individuals and units (both past and present) who have helped fulfill the Corps' mission in very special ways, or who have brought known credit to the Corps over the course of its long and proud history.
Hall of Fame
Created in 1986, the Quartermaster Hall of Fame award is the highest form of recognition the Corps offers. This much coveted award honors individuals who are judged to have made "the most significant contributions to the overall history and traditions of the Quartermaster Corps." A Selection Board appointed by the Quartermaster General reviews all nominations for this high honor.
- Nominees must be a Quartermaster Member (Military or Civilian) who have made extraordinary contributions to the Quartermaster Corps.
- Have been retired, discharged, or deceased for at least one year.
- Have been inducted as a Distinguished Member of the Corps.
- Quartermaster is defined as a Soldier who wears/wore Quartermaster Branch Insignia/Crest. Eligibility includes those who migrated to the Logistics or Acquisition Corps. For Civilians, Quartermaster is determined by their Career Management Field, Unit(s) of assignment, or by professional contributions which enhance the capability of the Quartermaster Corps and its Soldiers.
- Nominees who have distinguished themselves through gallantry (Congressional Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross awardees) and whose primary career endeavors are in the Quartermaster Corps, are also eligible for induction into the Hall of Fame while on Active Duty.
- An honors recipient's accomplishments must clearly demonstrate significant accomplishments in one or more of the following areas:
- Participating in and/or sustaining Unified Land Operations
- Advancements that transformed Army doctrine, policy, procedures, or force structure
- Initiatives that improved Army training, enhanced sustainment (equipping, support, acquisition), and advancements in research/development
- Initiatives that reduced personnel, equipment, or operating costs
- Initiatives that improved the safety, health and welfare of Soldiers
Nominating Procedures
At a minimum, Hall of Fame nominations must be submitted by individuals (all components - active or retired) in the rank of LTC, CW4, CSM/SGM, and/or Department of the Army Civilians in the rank of GS-14 or above.
The nominator must be of equal or greater rank to the nominee.
Nomination Packet must include:
Nomination Form
Filling out form
- Nomination Form may be viewed using Adobe Reader. Download, then enable all features for editable fields.
- Hall of Fame Nomination Form is a "PDF Fillable" form; go to file, then "save as" to a location on your computer.
- Letters of Endorsement are required, but no more than three may be submitted at the nominator's discretion. Space is allocated in the "PDF Nomination Form" for Endorsement Letters.
Distinguished Members of the Corps
In 1991, the Distinguished Members of the Corps (DMOC) award was introduced to honor selected individuals who have made "distinguished contributions to the Quartermaster Corps," and who, by virtue of prestige, status and experience, "will assist in fostering Corps pride and esprit, heritage and tradition."
Nominees must be a distinguished active or retired Officer, Warrant Officer, Enlisted, or Department of the Army Civilian, and be a current or former Active, Army National Guard, US Army Reserve or Civilian member of the Quartermaster Corps.
Nominating Procedures
At a minimum, nominations must be submitted by individuals (all components - active or retired) in the rank of LTC, CW4, CSM/SGM, and/or Department of the Army Civilians in the rank of GS-14 or above.
Nomination Packet must include:
- Nomination Form
- Official Photograph
Command Designate Distinguished Members of the Corps
Per the Quartermaster Corps Honors Standard Operating Procedures, the Quartermaster General may “Command Designate” certain individuals, not previously recognized, as Distinguished Members of the Corps based on their distinguished service.
The following categories are eligible for induction:
- Quartermaster Officer appointed to the rank of Brigadier General or above
- Quartermaster Colonel selected on a Command/Key Billet Centralized Selection List
- Quartermaster Warrant Officer selected for Chief Warrant Officer Five
- Quartermaster Command Sergeant Major selected on a Command Sergeant Major Centralized Selection List at the Brigade or higher level command/billet.
- Department of the Army Civilian (Quartermaster), selected for Senior Executive Service
Nominating Procedures
There is no packet required for “Command Designate” DMOCs. The Adjutant, in coordination with Human Resources Command, will identify those who meet the eligibility requirements. For Reserve Component personnel, the Adjutant will coordinate with the Reserve Component Affairs Office, US Army Quartermaster School to determine those eligible for Command Designation recognition.
Distinguished Units of the Corps
The Distinguished Units of the Corps (DUOC) award was introduced in 1993 to recognize outstanding units, past and present, who have made a significant contributions to the Quartermaster Corps.
- Be an Active or De-Activated, Active Army, Army National Guard or US Army Reserve Quartermaster unit.
- Units will normally be Battalion size or larger. However, exceptions may be made for units that have distinguished themselves throughout their history.
Nominating Procedures
Anyone can submit nominations for the Distinguished Unit of the Corps.
Nomination Packet must include:
Nomination Form
Filling out the form
- May be viewed using Adobe Reader. Download, then enable all features for editable fields
- DUOC Nomination Form is a “PDF Fillable” form; go to file, then “save as” to a location on your computer.
- Letters of Endorsement are not required, but “Letters of Support” from individuals who served with or are serving in the unit, or additional testimonials, awards, notices, or other forms of recognition may be submitted at the nominator's discretion. Space is allocated in the “PDF Nomination Form” for Endorsement Letters.
Additional Resources
Past Inductees can be viewed at the links below:
This page was last updated on:
January 25, 2024