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Command Sergeant Majors

The history of the United States Army, the Quartermaster Corps, and Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) can be traced back to 1775. In June 1986, the Quartermaster Corps Regiment was established, which was followed by the signing of General Order 9 by then-Chief of Staff General John A. Wickham, Jr. which placed the Quartermaster Corps under the US Army Regimental System, creating the Regimental Command Sergeant Major. The individuals selected were to be distinguished and highly respected NCOs charged with. Maintaining the uppermost in leadership and mentorship for all Enlisted Soldiers in the Corps, imparting sound advice to the command's Officers, and to show care and compassion for all Soldiers and their Families.
Over time the duties and responsibilities of the Quartermaster School Command Sergeant Major have evolved, making them broader. As the Senior Enlisted in the Quartermaster School and the Quartermaster Regiment, they are also charged with bearing the mantle of perpetuating the customs, traditions, and the rich history of the Quartermaster Corps. As well as executing the duties of the office with dignity, impartiality, morality, integrity, and creativity, thus presenting a sterling example for all Quartermaster Soldiers to emulate.
The Quartermaster Corps Command Sergeant Major is considered the proponent for the Corps and is often required to devote a majority of their time traveling throughout the Army, briefing Soldiers on the health of the force, current and future initiatives as well as providing sound and timely advice to the enlisted Cohort.
Rank & Name | From | To |
CSM Tisa W. Scott | June 2021 | December 2023 |
CSM Eric J. Vidal I | February 2019 | June 2021 |
CSM Sean J. Rice | April 2017 | January 2019 |
CSM Jimmy J. Sellers | April 2015 | April 2017 |
CSM Spencer L. Gray | April 2013 | December 2014 |
CSM James K. Sims | June 2011 | December 2012 |
CSM Nathan J. Hunt III | March 2008 | June 2011 |
CSM Jose L. Silva | April 2004 | March 2008 |
CSM Bradley J. Peat | Decemeber 2001 | July 2003 |
CSM Larry W. Gammon | January 1997 | December 2001 |
CSM Ricky A. Vernon | April 1994 | May 1997 |
CSM Milton B. Hazzard | October 1989 | May 1994 |
CSM Charles E. Webster | June 1986 | July 1988 |
CSM Rosvelt Martain | 1983 | June 1986 |