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Army Center of Excellence, Subsistence

Management Assistance Division

The Management Assistance Division (MAD) is responsible for providing assistance to installation commanders, Army Sustainment Command, Army Field Support Brigade food program managers, and installation food program managers to improve the quality of life for the “Soldier Athlete”, in Garrison and while deployed.

This assistance is provided through Food Management Assistance Teams (FMAT), and command requested Staff Assistance Visits to assist in specific areas of concern.


Provide assistance to installation commanders, Army Sustainment Command, Army Field Support Brigade food program managers, and installation food program managers to improve the overall quality and efficiency of the Army Food Program.


The objective of MAD is to optimize training effectiveness, options, and accessibility. To improve site picture and a way-forward for installation food program readiness. To improve accountability of contractor performance supporting the Army Modernization, to level the playing field and to optimize command relationships with the Army food service community.

Food Management Assistance Teams (FMAT)

  • FMATs will assess all RA and RC installations that operate full time food service operations on a scheduled or requested basis. Assessments of RC facilities that only operate IDT/weekend drill WRs will be upon request. On scheduled visits, FMATs will review installation food service programs and provide assistance in all areas of food service operations. Requested visits will respond to particular problems identified by the command or provide assistance on operational procedures for a new facility.
  • The objectives of the FMAT assesments are to assist in raising the quality of the installation food service program and to increase the effectiveness by identifying programs that are functioning well or that may require improvement. FMATs will use the following format when assessing an installation:
    • (a) Review installation food service program documents
    • (b) Ensure regulatory policies and procedures are uniformly applied to the installation food service program.
    • (c) Instill food service management discipline through emphasis on administration, food preparation, and adherence to menu standards, nutrition awareness, productivity, safely, energy conservation, sanitation, food safety, materiel management, maintenance, budgeting, and subsistence entitlement.
    • (d) Record observations to assist in improving the program and provide a basis for follow-up actions.
    • (e) Review specific areas of interest that have been directed by HQDA.
  • The FMAT can be tailored to meet the requirements or concerns of the installation or activity in the following areas:
    • Facilities layout and equipment
    • Accountability
    • Sanitation
    • Administration
    • Materiel management
    • Food preparation
    • Personnel management
    • Prime vendor issues
    • Contracting
    • Menus and nutrition
  • FMAT assessments will be as follows:
    • (a) The FMAT will schedule and visit each AFSB region or installation at least once every 24 months for CONUS and OCONUS.
    • (b) Requested visits will be on an as required basis to respond to a particular problem area. Request will be forwarded through command channels to the JCCoE.
    • (c) Request for cancellation of scheduled FMAT assessments must be submitted from the office of the LRC Director or senior commander, addressed to the Commander, U.S. Army Quartermaster School through the Director, JCCoE. Request for cancellation must include valid justification for cancellation.
  • Each FMAT assessment will be documented by a memorandum.
    • (a) Upon completion of each scheduled assesment, a memorandum outlining observations and recommended corrective actions will be prepared. An overview of findings and recommendations will be out briefed to the installation command or designated representative before the team's departure. Memorandum of the scheduled assessment will be routed to the assessed Installation Food Program, as prescribed by the applicable ASC and AFSB region.
    • (b) On completion of each requested assessment, a memorandum will be furnished directly to the requesting commander.
  • A review of systemic program shortfalls identified during FMAT visits, along with recommended solutions, will be provided in writing to HQDA quarterly. A trend analysis will be maintained and presented as part of the quarterly review.

Staff Assistance Visits (SAV)

SAVs are specifically geared to provide assistance in requested specific areas to ensure the food program operates properly.

SAV teams can provide in-depth training on:

  • Administration of the installation food program
  • Warrior Restaurant accounting and inventory management
  • Food preparation & serving
  • Food safety and sanitation
  • Army menu standards
  • Personal management
  • Food service contracting & surveillance
  • Warrior Restaurant utilization
  • Warrior Restaurant construction & renovation
  • Kitchen equipment replacement & maintenance
  • Specific management areas or concerns expressed by the Army Sustainment Command/Army Field Support Brigades, Logistics Readiness Centers (LRC) Installation Food Program Managers and IMCOM

Points of Contact

    Division Chief

  • (804) 734-4285
  • DSN 687-4285
  • Chief Culinary MGT SGM

  • (804) 734-4282
  • DSN 687-4282
  • Senior Culinary MGT NCO

  • (804) 734-4935
  • DSN 687-4935
  • Food Service System Analyst

  • (804) 734-4852
  • DSN 687-4852

This page was last updated on: February 28, 2025