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Menu Planning


Menu planning is a key vehicle to deliver the nutrition Soldiers need to perform optimally, recover rapidly from stress, illness and injury, and remain healthy and alert for the long term. The dietitian and menu planner collaborate and advise on nutrition concepts, nutrition programs, ingredients and food products. Their work includes creating models for diner education and food service practices to enhance better nutrient balance in food choices, preparation and delivery. They develop and evaluate menus, regulations, and policies directly related to the Army Food Program. They also provide assistance to installations and major commands as subject matter experts on nutrition, food characteristics and dining trends. Additionally, The menu planner supports publication of the Basic Daily Food Allowance and is the central point of contact for submission and trend analysis of the Food Program Management Board minutes. These two topics are covered in separate sections of this website.

Menu Planning and Nutrition Requirements

The installation approved menu should be used as a planning guide when the FOS is adjusting the menu to meet local troop preference. Some of the basic considerations the FOS needs to consider are:

  • Nutritional adequacy in accordance with AR 40-25.
  • Monetary value of the BDFA.
  • Seasonal considerations.
  • Supply factors.
  • Staffing.
  • Equipment.
  • Special occasions.
  • Troop activity.
  • Menu presentation such as color, shape, flavor, texture, and temperature.
  • Assistance in planning special menus or entrees should be obtained by consulting the responsible food advisor, guidance provided in AR 30-22, or local dietitian.

This page was last updated on: February 28, 2025