OQMC - Regimental Office - 2023 Inductees - CSM Alberto Delgado
2023 Quartermaster Corps
Hall of Fame Inductee

Command Sergeant Major
Alberto Delgado
Command Sergeant Major Delgado is a native of New York and enlisted in the Army in 1987. He completed basic training at Fort Sill, OK.
Command Sergeant Major Delgado’s assignments include Command Sergeant Major of U.S. Army Materiel Command; A 3/17th FA, Ansbach, Germany; SVS 3/17th FA, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; 706th Main Support Battalion, Fort Wainwright, Alaska; 46th Support Battalion, Fort Wainwright, Alaska; Non-commissioned Officer Academy, Fort Lee, Virginia; U.S. Army Office of Support, Washington D.C.; NATO Communications Logistics Depot, Naples, Italy; First Sergeant (1SG) Defense Logistics Agency, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania; Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Garrison Mannheim, Germany; Command Sergeant Major, 10th Special Forces Group (A) Group Support Battalion; Special Operations Joint Task Force-Afghanistan/NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan J4 Sergeant Major; Command Sergeant Major, 82nd Sustainment Brigade; Command Sergeant Major, CENTCOM Materiel Recovery Element Brigade; G3/G4 Army Materiel Command, Sergeant Major; Command Sergeant Major, 21st Theater Sustainment Command; and Command Sergeant Major, United States Army North (Fifth Army). His deployments include Operation Desert Shield/Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, Operation Odyssey Dawn and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Command Sergeant Major Delgado’s awards and decorations include: Distinguished Service Medal; Legion of Merit (2 OLC); Bronze Star Medal (1 OLC); Defense Meritorious Service Medal (2 OLC); Meritorious Service Medal (1 OLC); Joint Service Commendation Medal; Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC); Joint Service Achievement Medal; Army Achievement Medal (1 SLC); He is a member of the Order of Saint Martin for the Quartermaster Corps and Order of Saint Barbara for Field Artillery, a Distinguished Member of the Quartermaster Corps, and an honorary member of the prestigious Sergeant Audie Murphy Club.