OQMC - Regimental Office - 2023 Inductees - CSM Johnathan A. Fisher
2023 Quartermaster Corps
Hall of Fame Inductee

Command Sergeant Major
Johnathan A. Fisher
Command Sergeant Major Johnathan A. Fisher, is a native of Washington, DC and served for 30 years. He entered the U.S. Army on 8 February 1966.
Command Sergeant Major Fisher’s assignments include; Saint Nazaire, France with the U.S. Petroleum Distribution Command, Donges Terminal District; U.S. Army Supply and Maintenance Agency Europe, Kurzburg Kaserne, Germany; Stock Control & Accounting Branch, 1st Instructor Company at Fort Lee, VA; 228th Supply & Service Company, 91st Composite Service Battalion in Vietnam; 194th Maintenance Battalion in Camp Humphreys, Korea; 520th Supply & Service Company, Ft. Belvoir, VA; Campbell and Hammonds Barracks, Germany and 19th Support Command at Camp Henry, Korea,
Command Sergeant Major Fisher served as the Battalion Command Sergeant Major for the 2nd QM Group (Petroleum) in Korea and the 704th Main Support Battalion 4th Inf Div at Fort Carson, Colorado. Command Sergeant Major Fisher’s final assignment was as the Command Sergeant Major for the 43rd Area Support Group, at Fort Carson, where he deployed as Command Sergeant Major for the 43rd Joint Logistics Support Group, Joint Task Force 160, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in support of Operation Sea Signal.
Command Sergeant Major Fisher retired on 29 February 1996 with over 30 years of service. Following his service, Command Sergeant Major Fisher graduated and later worked for Augusta’s historic Paine College. Command Sergeant Major Fisher also served as President for the Sergeants Major Retired Association of the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) for 22 years. He is a lifetime member of the Disabled American Veteran Pendleton King Chapter. Command Sergeant Major Fisher holds numerous awards to include the Bronze Star for his service.